Dr. Nikolaos Papadimitriou - Publikationen

Edited Volumes, Conference Proceedings and Exhibition Catalogues
Articles in Journals, Conference Proceedings and Collective Volumes
Publications for a general audience


  • (2001) Built Chamber Tombs of Middle and Late Bronze Age Date in Mainland Greece and the Islands (British Archaeological Reports, International Series 925), Oxford. https://bit.ly/2vRy6j7


Edited Volumes, Conference Proceedings and Exhibition Catalogues:

  • (2020) Athens and Attica in Prehistory. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Athens, 27-31 May 2015, Athens (co-edited with J. Wright, S. Fachard, N. Sgouritsa, E. Andrikou). https://bit.ly/3jxuZBR

  • (2017) Αρχαία Κύπρος: πρόσφατες εξελίξεις στην αρχαιολογία της ανατολικής Μεσογείου, Athens [trans.: Ancient Cyprus: recent developments in the archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean] (co-edited with M. Tolis). https://bit.ly/2nNuudJ

  • (2017) To παρελθόν στο παρόν: μνήμη, ιστορία και αρχαιότητα στη σύγχρονη Ελλάδα, Athens [trans.: Τhe Past in the Present: memory, history and archaeology in modern Greece] (co-edited with A. Anagnostopoulos). https://bit.ly/2Hyswre

  • (2012) Ancient Cyprus. Cultures in Dialogue, Nicosia (co-edited with D. Pilides). https://bit.ly/2KiMynf

  • (2010) Η Ελλάδα στο ευρύτερο πολιτισμικό πλαίσιο των Βαλκανίων κατά την 5η και 4η χιλιετία π.Χ., exhibition catalogue, Athens

  • [trans.: Greece in the cultural context of the Balkans in the 5th and 4th millennium BC] (co-edited with Z. Tsirtsoni).https://bit.ly/2HwNwP8

  • (2007, 2nd ed. 2013) (ed.) Museum of Cycladic Art. A Brief Guide, Athens.


Articles in Journals, Conference Proceedings and Collective Volumes:

  • (2020) “The political geography of Attica in the Middle and Late Bronze Age” (co-authored with M.B. Cosmopoulos), in Papadimitriou et al. 2020 (eds.) Athens and Attica in Prehistory. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Athens, 27-31 May 2015, Oxford, 373-385.

  • (2020) “The prehistoric tumuli of Vranas, Marathon: the study of S. Marinatos’ excavations” (co-authoried with M. Pantelidou-Gofa and A. Philippa-Touchais), in Papadimitriou et al. 2020 (eds.) Athens and Attica in Prehistory. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Athens, 27-31 May 2015, Oxford, 437-448.

  • (2020) “Ceramic material from Valerios Stais’ excavations at the prehistoric settlement of Thorikos”, in Papadimitriou et al. 2020 (eds.) Athens and Attica in Prehistory. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Athens, 27-31 May 2015, Oxford, 457-470.

  • (2020) “Προϊστορική κατοίκηση στον Θορικό Αττικής. Η συμβολή των ανασκαφών του Βαλέριου Στάη (1888, 1890, 1893)”, Arch. Eph. 2020, 149-254.

  • (2020) “Reviving the technique of the Mycenaean goldsmith” (with E. Konstantinidi-Syvridi and A. Goumas), in M. Panagiotaki, E. Tomazos and F. Papadimitropoulos (eds), Cutting-Edge Technologies in Ancient Greece: Material Science Applied to Trace Ancient Technologies in the Aegean World, Oxford, 55-61.

  • (2019) “From habitus to visual memory. Changing mnemonic processes in Early Mycenaean Greece”, in Borgna E, Calloy I, Carince F.M. and Laffineru R. (eds), MNEME. Past and Memory in the Aegean Bronze Age (Aegaeum 43), Liège, 243-252

  • (2019) “The Mycenaean cemetery of Deiras in a local and regional context” (co-authored with A. Philippa-Touchais and G. Touchais), in Murphy J. (ed.), Death in Late Bronze Age Greece. Variations on a Theme, Oxford, 43-55.

  • (2019) “Experimenting on Mycenaean gold-working techniques: the case of the granulated cone” (co-authored with E. Konstantinidi-Syvridi, A. Goumas, A. Philippa-Touchais and R. Prevalet), in Souyoudzoglou-Haywood Chr. and O’Sullivan A. (eds) Experimental Archaeology. Making, Understanding, Storytelling, Oxford, 43-52.

  • (2018) “Counting individuals, reconstructing groups. A critical review of bioarchaeological data from Middle Helladic and Mycenaean Graves”, in Schmitt A., Dederix S. and Crevecoeur I. (eds), Gathered in Death. Archaeological and Ethnological Perspectives on Collective Burial and Social Organization (Aegis 14), Louvain-la-Neuve, 159-188.

  • (2017) “Αιγαιακό και κυπριακό εμπόριο κατά την 2η χιλιετία π.Χ.: μια συγκριτική εξέταση”, in Ν. Papadimitriou – M. Tolis (eds.), Αρχαία Κύπρος: πρόσφατες εξελίξεις στην αρχαιολογία της ανατολικής Μεσογείου, Athens, 159-188.

  • (2017) Συνοίκησις in Mycenaean times? The political and cultural geography of Attica in the 2nd millennium BC, Center for Hellenic Studies Research Bulletin 5:2, online publication: https://bit.ly/2MNp1ki

  • (2016) “Identifying accessibility barriers in heritage museums. Conceptual challenges in a period of change” (co-authored with M. Plati, E. Markou, D. Catapoti), Museum International 68, 33-47.

  • (2016) “Technological study and interpretation of rhomboid accessories from Grave Cirlce A, Mycenae” (co-authored with E. Konstantinidi-Syvridi and A. Goumas), in J. Driessen (ed.), RA-PI-NE-U. Studies on the Mycenaean World Offered to Robert Laffineur for his 70th Birthday (Aegis 10), Louvain-la-Neuve, 245-262. https://bit.ly/2r1W4ms

  • (2016) “Structuring space, performing rituals, creating memories: towards a cognitive map of Early Mycenaean burial practices”, in A. Dakouri-Hild & M. Boyd (eds.), Staging Death. Funerary Performance, Architecture and Landscape in the Aegean, Berlin, 335-360.

  • (2016) “Collective selves and funerary rituals. Early Mycenaean dromoi as spaces of negotiation and embodiment of social identities”, in M. Mina, S. Triantaphyllou & G. Papadatos (eds.), An Archaeology of Prehistoric Bodies and Embodied Identities in the Eastern Mediterranean. Convergence of Theory and Practice, Oxford, 204-214.

  • (2015) “Μελέτη προϊστορικών τύμβων Βρανά Μαραθώνα” [trans.: Study of the prehistoric tumuli at Vrana, Marathon] (co-authored with M. Pantelidou Gofa, G. Touchais & A. Philippa-Touchais), Praktika tes en Athenais Archaiologikes Etaireias 2015, 25-70. https://bit.ly/2I7r3Fq

  • (2015) “The formation and use of dromoi in Early Mycenaean times”, Annual of the British School at Athens 110, 71-120.

  • (2015) “Aegean and Cypriot trade overseas during the 2nd millennium BCE”, in J. Mynářová, P. Onderka & P. Pavúk (eds.), There and Back Again - the Crossroads II. Proceedings of an International Conference held in Prague, September 15-18, 2014. Prague, 423-445.https://bit.ly/2HBQyO1

  • (2015) “Argos in the Middle and Late Bronze Age. A reassessment of the evidence” (co-authored with G. Touchais and A. Philippa-Touchais), in A.-L. Schallin & I. Tournavitou (eds.), Mycenaeans Up To Date. The Archaeology of the NE Peloponnese. Current concepts and New Directions. Proceedings of the International Conference, Athens 10-14 November 2010, Athens, 161-184. https://bit.ly/2FmkMm0

  • (2015) “Deiras, Argos: reassessing the chronology and importance of the Mycenaean cemetery based on finds from W. Vollgraff’s excavations” (co-authored with A. Philippa-Touchais), in A.-L. Schallin & I. Tournavitou (eds.), Mycenaeans Up To Date. The Archaeology of the NE Peloponnese. Current concepts and New Directions. Proceedings of the International Conference, Athens 10-14 November 2010, Athens, 435-453.https://bit.ly/2Hxnj2T

  • (2014) “Μελέτη ανασκαφής Βρανά Μαραθώνα” [trans.: Study of the excavation at Vrana, Marathon] (co-authored with M. Pantelidou Gofa, G. Touchais & A. Philippa-Touchais), Praktika tes en Athenais Archaiologikes Etaireias 2014, 29-59. https://bit.ly/2HWvJjD

  • (2014) “Goldworking techniques in Mycenaean Greece (17th/16th-12th c. BC): some new observations” (co-authored with E. Konstantinidi-Syvridi, A. Philippa-Tοuchais and A. Goumas), in Η. Μeller, R. Risch & E. Pernicka (eds.), Metalle der Macht. Frühes Gold und Silber, Halle, 335-348. https://bit.ly/2HWuxwF

  • (2013) “Regional or ‘international’ networks? A comparative examination of Aegean and Cypriot pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean”, in A. Papadopoulos (ed.) Current Research and Perspectives in Late Bronze-Early Iron Age Eastern Mediterranean (Talanta XLIV), 92-136. https://bit.ly/2HwntDt

  • (2012) “‘Peripheries’ versus ‘cores’ – The integration of secondary states into the World System of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Near East in the (Middle and) Late Bronze Age” (co-authored with D. Kriga), in M.E. Alberti & G. Sabatini (eds.), Exchange Networks and Local Transformations. Interactions and Local Changes in Europe and the Mediterranean from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age, Oxford. 9-21.https://bit.ly/2FjHaN3

  • (2012) “Multiple interpretations, technological applications and public interaction in archaeological museums in Europe”, in M. Vaudetti, V. Minuccuani & S. Canepa (eds.), The Archaeological Musealization. Multidisciplinary Intervention in Archaeological Sites for the Conservation, Communication and Culture, Torino, 39-50.https://bit.ly/2HvFl5v

  • (2011) “‘Passing away’ or ‘passing through’? Changing funerary attitudes in the Peloponnese at the MBA/LBA transition”, in H. Cavanagh, B.W. Cavanagh & J. Roy (eds.) Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese. Proceeding of the conference held at Sparta, 23-25 April 2009, Nottingham, 467-491.https://bit.ly/2Jw3zJo

  • (2010) “Attica in the Middle Helladic period”, in A. Philippa-Touchais, G. Touchais, S. Voutsaki & J. Wright (eds.), MESOHELLADIKA. La Grèce continentale au Bronze Moyen. Actes du colloque internationale organisé par l’École Français d’ Athènes, en collaboration avec l’American School of Classical Studies at Athens et le Netherlands Institute at Athens, Athènes, 8-12 mars 2006 (BCH Suppl. 52), Athènes, 243-257. https://bit.ly/2JxHtq9

  • (2009) “The standardization of cultural documentation on national and international level”, in M. Tsipopoulou (ed.), Digital Heritage in the New Knowledge Environment: Shared Spaces & Open Paths to Cultural Content. Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Athens 31.10.08 – 02.11.08, Athens, 132-136.

  • (2008) “Both centre and periphery? Thessaly in the Mycenaean period”, in Περιφέρεια Θεσσαλίας. 1ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο Ιστορίας και Πολιτισμού της Θεσσαλίας. Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου, 9-11 Νοεμβρίου 2006, Athens, 98-113.https://bit.ly/2JwnEiF

  • (2008) “Νέες τεχνολογίες και μουσεία – Η εμπειρία του Μουσείου Κυκλαδικής Τέχνης” [trans.: New technologies and museums – the experience of the Museum of Cycladic Art], in Οι Νέες Τεχνολογίες στα Μουσεία – Σύγχρονες Τάσεις και Αντιλήψεις, Πρακτικά ημερίδας, Ιούνιος 2007, Ελληνική Ομοσπονδία Σωματείων Φίλων των Μουσείων, Athens, 200-211.

  • (2006) “Minoica and Mycenaica in the Museum of Cycladic Art”, in N. Chr. Stampolidis (ed.), ΓΕΝΕΘΛΙΟΝ. Αναμνηστικός τόμος για την συμπλήρωση είκοσι χρόνων λειτουργίας του Μουσείου Κυκλαδικής Τέχνης (Athens), 43-62.

  • (2002) “H σημασία των Κτιστών Θαλαμοειδών Τάφων για την Πελοπόννησo κατά τη μεταβατική ΜΕ/ΥΕ περίοδο: τυπολογία χρονολόγηση και ταφικά έθιμα” [The importance of Built Chamber Tombs for the Peloponnese at the MBA/LBA period: typology, dating and burial practices], in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Peloponnesian Studies (Athens), 147-164.https://bit.ly/2I3bZbQ

  • (2001) “T.164. An early LH built chamber tomb from Argos”, Annual of the British School at Athens 96, 41-79.



  • (2016) Rev. of Papadopoulos Th. & Kontorli-Papadopoulou L. 2014: Vravron. The Mycenaean Cemetery (Uppsala), in Antiquity 90, 256-258. https://bit.ly/2HAEn46

  • (2015) Rev. of Broodbank C. 2012: The Making of the Middle Sea. A History of the Mediterranean from the Beginning to the Emergence of the Classical World (Cambridge), in Journal of Hellenic Studies 135, 254-257. https://bit.ly/2r3Xe11

  • (2013) Rev. of Pajor F. 2010: Ερέτρια – Νέα Ψαρά. Το χρονικό μιας πολιτείας (Athens)
    [Eretria - Nea Psara. Eine klassizistische Stadtanlage über der antiken Polis, ERETRIA Series XVIII, Greek translation], in Journal of Modern Greek Studies 31, 161-165. https://bit.ly/2JxHQB3

  • (2004) Rev. of Souyoudzoglou-Haywood C. 1999: The Ionian Islands in the Bronze and Early Iron Age 3000-800 BC (Liverpool) in Les Études Classiques 72, 172-174.


Publications for a general audience:

  • (2015) How Were They Made? Materials and Manufacturing Techniques of Ancient Artefacts, Athens. https://bit.ly/2Hy3Tqp

  • (2014) “Τα αρχαία τείχη των Αθηνών: η μνήμη της πόλης” [trans.: The ancient fortification walls of Athens: the memory of the city]. Lifo magazine, September 2014

  • [2008] “H πρωιμότερη τέχνη της Κύπρου” [trans.: The earliest art of Cyprus], National Geographic, Greek edition, November 2008

  • (2007) “Η οικονομία της δημοκρατίας” [trans.: The economy of democracy], in Ο χρυσός αιώνας των Αθηνών και η γέννηση του δυτικού πολιτισμού (Discovery & Science, Greek edition, Special edition 2), 54-83.

  • (2006) “Κυκλαδικά ειδώλια. Ήταν όντως λευκά;” [trans.: Cycladic figurines. Were they white?], Discovery & Science (Greek edition) 8, 49-57.

  • (2005) “Art in the island of Minos. Innovation versus conservatism” (in Turkish translation), P Ada ve Sanat (P Art and Culture) 38-39, 52-65.

  • (2005) Aegean – Cyprus. Timeline 3200 BC – AD 400 (Museum of Cycladic Art, Athens)

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